Air Fryer

How to Cook Frozen Crab Cakes in Air Fryer

To cook frozen crab cakes in an air fryer, simply preheat the air fryer to 375 degrees fahrenheit, place the frozen crab cakes in the fryer basket, and cook for 10-12 minutes until they are golden and heated through. Crab cakes are a versatile and delicious seafood dish that can be enjoyed in various ways.

Whether you’re hosting a dinner party or simply craving a tasty treat, cooking frozen crab cakes in an air fryer is a quick and convenient option. The air fryer allows the crab cakes to cook evenly and crisp up nicely, while still retaining their moist and flavorful interior.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the simple steps to perfectly cook frozen crab cakes in your air fryer, resulting in a delectable and satisfying dish. So, let’s get started and discover how to make restaurant-quality crab cakes in the comfort of your own home using your air fryer.

How to Cook Frozen Crab Cakes in Air Fryer


List Of Ingredients Needed

Frozen Crab Cakes

Cooking frozen crab cakes in an air fryer is a quick and convenient way to enjoy this delicious seafood dish. With the right ingredients and a few simple steps, you can have perfectly cooked crab cakes with a crispy exterior and a tender, flavorful interior.

Here is a list of the ingredients you’ll need to get started:

  • Frozen crab cakes: Look for high-quality frozen crab cakes at your local grocery store or seafood market. Make sure to choose ones that are made with real crab meat for the best taste and texture.
  • Cooking oil spray: To ensure that the crab cakes don’t stick to the air fryer basket, you’ll need to use a cooking oil spray. Opt for a neutral-flavored oil spray, such as canola or vegetable oil, to prevent any unwanted flavors.

Now that you have gathered all the necessary ingredients, it’s time to move on to the cooking process. Remember to follow the instructions provided with your specific air fryer model for the best results.

Equipment Required

Air Fryer

Cooking frozen crab cakes in an air fryer is a quick and convenient way to indulge in this delicious seafood delicacy. With the right equipment and a few simple steps, you can achieve perfectly crispy crab cakes that are ready to enjoy in no time.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Air fryer:

An air fryer is a must-have for this recipe. It uses hot air circulation to cook food evenly and gives your crab cakes a crispy exterior without the need for excessive oil. The high temperatures created by the air fryer also help to cook the filling inside, ensuring a mouthwatering bite every time.

  • Tongs:

Tongs are an essential tool when cooking in an air fryer. They allow you to easily flip and handle the crab cakes, ensuring even cooking on all sides. The heat inside the air fryer can be intense, so using tongs will help protect your hands from potential burns.

Now that you have the necessary equipment, let’s move on to the process of cooking frozen crab cakes in an air fryer. With just a few simple steps, you’ll be enjoying a delicious seafood dish that’s sure to impress. Stay tuned for the next section where we’ll guide you through the process step by step.


Setting The Temperature And Preheating The Air Fryer


When it comes to cooking frozen crab cakes in an air fryer, getting the temperature and preheating just right is key to achieving that perfect golden crispiness. Follow these simple guidelines to ensure your crab cakes turn out delectably delicious:

Setting The Temperature To 375°F

To cook your frozen crab cakes to perfection, set the air fryer temperature to 375°f. This temperature allows for even cooking and ensures a crispy exterior while maintaining a moist and flavorful interior. By setting the temperature correctly, you’ll achieve the ideal texture and taste without any risk of undercooking or overcooking.

Preheating The Air Fryer For 5 Minutes

Before placing your crab cakes in the air fryer, it’s essential to preheat it for about 5 minutes. Preheating allows the air fryer to reach the desired temperature, ensuring a consistent and efficient cooking process. By preheating, you guarantee that your crab cakes will cook evenly, resulting in a mouthwatering dish that will leave you craving more.

Following these simple steps will help you make the most out of your air fryer and achieve tantalizingly tasty crab cakes. Now that the temperature is set and the air fryer is preheated, it’s time to move onto the next steps of this delectable journey.

Get ready to indulge in the deliciousness that awaits!

Greasing The Air Fryer Basket

To ensure that your frozen crab cakes cook perfectly in the air fryer, it is important to properly grease the basket. This will prevent the crab cakes from sticking to the surface and ensure even cooking. Here are some key points to keep in mind when greasing the air fryer basket:

  • Apply a light coating of cooking oil spray: Prior to placing the frozen crab cakes in the basket, apply a light coating of cooking oil spray to the surface. This will create a non-stick surface and help the crab cakes crisp up nicely.
  • Ensure full coverage: Make sure to spray the cooking oil evenly across the entire surface of the basket. This will prevent any areas from sticking and ensure that the crab cakes cook evenly.
  • Avoid using too much oil: While it is important to grease the basket, be mindful not to use excessive amounts of oil. Using too much oil can result in a greasy final product.
  • Reapply if necessary: If you notice that the crab cakes are sticking to the basket during the cooking process, you may need to reapply a light coating of cooking oil spray. This will help prevent any further sticking and ensure a delicious result.
  • Clean the basket after each use: Once you have finished cooking the crab cakes, be sure to clean the air fryer basket thoroughly. This will help maintain its non-stick properties and ensure future cooking success.

By greasing the air fryer basket properly, you can ensure that your frozen crab cakes cook to perfection. The non-stick surface will help prevent sticking and allow for even crisping. So go ahead and enjoy a tasty and hassle-free cooking experience with your air fryer!

Placing The Crab Cakes In The Air Fryer

Placing the crab cakes in the air fryer:

Arranging the frozen crab cakes in a single layer in the air fryer basket is crucial to ensure they cook evenly and turn out perfectly crispy. Follow these steps to make the most of your air fryer cooking experience:

  • Prepare the air fryer: Preheat the air fryer to the recommended temperature. This ensures that the air circulation is at its optimum, resulting in evenly cooked crab cakes with a crispy exterior.
  • Arrange the frozen crab cakes: Carefully place the frozen crab cakes in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Avoid overcrowding the basket as this can lead to uneven cooking. Make sure there is enough space between the crab cakes to allow hot air to circulate around them.
  • Flip halfway through cooking: To ensure even browning, flip the crab cakes halfway through the cooking process. This helps to achieve that golden brown, crispy exterior that we all love.
  • Monitor cooking time: Keep a close eye on the cooking time specified in the recipe or packaging. Air fryers tend to cook faster than traditional methods, so adjusting the timing is crucial to prevent overcooking.
  • Use a cooking spray: To enhance the crispiness of the crab cakes, lightly spray them with cooking oil or use a cooking spray. This helps to give them that delicious, golden crunch.
  • Customize the cooking temperature and time: Depending on your air fryer model, you may need to adjust the temperature and cooking time slightly. Experiment with different settings to find the perfect balance for your specific air fryer.
  • Taste for doneness: Before serving, check the internal temperature of the crab cakes using a food thermometer. They should reach a safe internal temperature of 165°f (74°c) to ensure they are thoroughly cooked.
  • Serve and enjoy: Once the crab cakes are cooked to perfection, carefully remove them from the air fryer basket and serve them hot. Pair them with your favorite dipping sauce or enjoy them as a standalone dish.

Remember, the air fryer offers a convenient and efficient way to cook frozen crab cakes, giving them a crispy texture without the need for excessive oil. Mastering the art of arranging the crab cakes in a single layer and adapting the cooking time and temperature will elevate your culinary skills and impress your taste buds.

So go ahead, try this method and savor the deliciousness of perfectly cooked frozen crab cakes in the air fryer!

Cooking Time And Temperature

Cooking time and temperature:

Setting The Cooking Time To 12 Minutes

Cooking frozen crab cakes in an air fryer is a convenient and delicious way to enjoy this seafood delicacy anytime you want. One of the key aspects of achieving perfect results lies in setting the right cooking time. When cooking frozen crab cakes in an air fryer, it is recommended to set the cooking time to 12 minutes.

This duration ensures that the crab cakes cook thoroughly and develop a crispy outer layer without being overcooked.

To help you achieve the best possible outcome, it’s essential to follow proper cooking guidelines. Here’s what you need to do to set the cooking time for frozen crab cakes in your air fryer:

  • Set the air fryer to a temperature of 375°f.
  • Preheat the air fryer for a few minutes to ensure it reaches the desired temperature.
  • Place the frozen crab cakes in a single layer in the air fryer basket, ensuring they are not overcrowded.
  • Adjust the cooking time to 12 minutes using the air fryer’s timer or settings.
  • Start the cooking process and allow the air fryer to work its magic.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your frozen crab cakes are cooked to perfection in the air fryer. It’s worth noting that cooking time may vary slightly depending on the size and thickness of your crab cakes, so it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on them and adjust as necessary.

With the cooking time set to 12 minutes and the temperature maintained at 375°f, you can enjoy mouthwatering crab cakes that are crisp on the outside and moist on the inside.

Flipping The Crab Cakes

Gently Flipping The Crab Cakes Halfway Through The Cooking Time Using Tongs:

When it comes to cooking frozen crab cakes in an air fryer, getting that perfect crispy exterior and moist, flavorful interior is key. One of the crucial steps in achieving this is flipping the crab cakes halfway through the cooking time.

This ensures even browning and helps to prevent any sticking to the air fryer basket.

Here are some key points to keep in mind when flipping your crab cakes:

  • Use a pair of tongs to gently flip the crab cakes halfway through the cooking time. This will help to ensure they cook evenly on both sides.
  • Be careful not to press down too hard on the crab cakes when flipping them, as this could cause them to break apart.
  • If you notice any crab cakes sticking to the air fryer basket when you go to flip them, gently loosen them with the tongs before flipping.
  • Take your time when flipping the crab cakes, making sure to be gentle and precise. This will help to maintain their shape and prevent any mishaps in the cooking process.

Remember, flipping the crab cakes is an essential step in cooking them to perfection in the air fryer. By following these tips and techniques, you’ll be able to enjoy delicious, crispy crab cakes that are sure to impress your family and friends.

Determining If The Crab Cakes Are Cooked Through

Cooking frozen crab cakes in an air fryer is not only quick and convenient, but also results in a deliciously crispy exterior and perfectly cooked interior. To ensure that your crab cakes are cooked through and safe to eat, there are two main aspects to consider.


Checking for a golden brown and crispy exterior:

  • One way to determine if your crab cakes are cooked through is by checking their appearance. Look for a golden brown and crispy exterior, as this indicates that they have been properly cooked.
  • The air fryer’s high heat and circulating air helps to achieve this desirable texture, so be sure to keep an eye on the crab cakes as they cook to prevent them from becoming overcooked or burnt.

Ensuring the internal temperature reaches 165°f:

  • While the exterior appearance is important, it’s crucial to ensure that the internal temperature of the crab cakes reaches 165°f for safe consumption.
  • To measure the temperature, simply insert a food thermometer into the center of a crab cake. If the temperature reaches the recommended 165°f, then the crab cakes are fully cooked.
  • If the temperature is slightly below, you can continue cooking the crab cakes for a few more minutes until they reach the desired internal temperature.

By following these two key steps, you can be confident that your frozen crab cakes will be cooked through and ready to enjoy. So go ahead and whip up a batch in your air fryer for a quick and delicious seafood treat!

Performing A Visual Inspection

Crab cakes are a delicious seafood delicacy that can be enjoyed year-round. If you’re a fan of convenience, cooking frozen crab cakes in an air fryer is a quick and hassle-free way to enjoy this tasty treat. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process, starting with an essential first step: performing a visual inspection.

This step is crucial to ensure that your frozen crab cakes are safe to eat and will turn out perfectly cooked. Let’s dive in and see what to look out for!

Checking For An Opaque Appearance And Firm Texture:

  • Ensure that the crab cakes have a consistent opaque appearance throughout. This indicates that the ingredients have been fully cooked.
  • Gently press on each crab cake to check for a firm texture. If they feel soft or mushy, they may not be fully cooked and could pose a risk to your health.

By carefully examining your frozen crab cakes for these key visual cues, you can ensure that they are properly cooked and ready to be enjoyed. So, let’s move on to the next step and get cooking!

Removing The Crab Cakes From The Air Fryer

Once your frozen crab cakes are perfectly cooked in the air fryer, it’s time to carefully remove them from the basket. Use these simple steps to ensure that your crab cakes stay intact and ready to serve:

  • Using tongs: The most effective way to remove the crab cakes from the air fryer basket is by using a pair of tongs. This will help you handle the hot crab cakes without damaging them.
  • Lift with care: Gently lift each crab cake with the tongs, making sure to support the bottom to prevent any breakage.
  • Let them cool: Once you have removed the crab cakes from the air fryer, allow them to cool for a few minutes before serving. This will help them firm up and become easier to handle.
  • Serve and enjoy: Once the crab cakes have cooled slightly, they are ready to be savored. Serve them on a plate, garnish with your favorite toppings or sauce, and enjoy the delicious flavors.

Removing the crab cakes from the air fryer is a simple process that ensures your tasty appetizer or main course is served with precision and finesse. Use tongs to carefully handle the crab cakes, allowing them to cool before indulging in their mouthwatering taste.

So, go ahead and savor every bite of these delectable treats!

Plating And Garnishing

Cooking frozen crab cakes in an air fryer is a quick and convenient way to enjoy these delicious seafood treats. Once you have mastered the cooking process, the next step is to plate and garnish your crab cakes to make them even more visually appealing and appetizing.

In this section, we will explore some tips and ideas for plating and garnishing your air-fried crab cakes.

Placing The Cooked Crab Cakes On A Plate

When it comes to plating your crab cakes, presentation is key. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Use a clean and attractive plate that complements the colors of the crab cakes.
  • Place the crab cakes gently on the plate, taking care not to break them apart.
  • Arrange the crab cakes in an aesthetically pleasing manner, leaving some space between each cake.
  • Consider using a circular or semi-circular arrangement for a visually appealing presentation.
  • If you like, you can drizzle a small amount of sauce or dressing around the crab cakes for added flavor and visual interest.

Garnishing With Fresh Parsley And Lemon Wedges

To elevate the flavor and appearance of your crab cakes, garnishing is essential. Here are some ideas for garnishing your crab cakes:

  • Start by adding a sprinkle of fresh chopped parsley on top of each crab cake. This will not only add a pop of green color but also bring a fresh herbaceous flavor.
  • Slice a lemon into wedges and place one or two on the plate next to the crab cakes. The acidity of the lemon will complement the richness of the crab cakes and provide a refreshing tang.
  • You can also consider adding a small salad or garnish of mixed greens to the plate for extra color and texture.

By taking the time to plate and garnish your air-fried crab cakes, you can transform them into an elegant and visually appealing dish. The fresh parsley and lemon wedges not only add flavor but also enhance the overall presentation. Experiment with different plating and garnishing techniques to create a visually stunning dish that is sure to impress your guests.

Serving Suggestions

Cooking frozen crab cakes in an air fryer is a quick and convenient way to enjoy this delicious seafood delicacy. Once your crab cakes are perfectly cooked, it’s time to think about how best to serve them. Whether you want to pair them with a light and refreshing side salad or a creamy dipping sauce, there are plenty of options to enhance the flavors of your crab cakes.

Let’s explore some serving suggestions to compliment your air-fried crab cakes:

Pairing The Crab Cakes With A Side Salad:

  • Green salad: A simple green salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, and cucumber adds freshness and crunch to your meal.
  • Citrus salad: A citrus salad with segments of oranges or grapefruits, mixed with arugula, makes for a tangy and refreshing accompaniment to the crab cakes.
  • Coleslaw: A classic coleslaw with cabbage and carrots brings a creamy and crunchy texture to balance out the crispy exterior of the crab cakes.
  • Mediterranean salad: Mix together cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, kalamata olives, and feta cheese for a mediterranean twist that pairs perfectly with the flavors of the crab cakes.
  • Caprese salad: Sliced tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and fresh basil drizzled with balsamic glaze create a simple yet elegant side dish to enjoy alongside your crab cakes.

Pairing The Crab Cakes With A Creamy Dipping Sauce:

  • Tangy tartar sauce: A traditional tartar sauce made with mayonnaise, pickles, and capers adds a tangy kick to your crab cakes.
  • Spicy aioli: Mix together mayonnaise, garlic, and a dash of hot sauce to create a spicy aioli that gives your crab cakes a fiery kick.
  • Lemon dill sauce: Combine mayonnaise, fresh lemon juice, and chopped dill for a refreshing and citrusy sauce that enhances the flavors of the crab cakes.
  • Remoulade sauce: A creamy and zesty combination of mayonnaise, mustard, pickle relish, and cajun seasoning adds a burst of flavor to your crab cakes.
  • Chipotle mayo: Blend mayonnaise with chipotle peppers in adobo sauce for a smoky and spicy dipping sauce that adds a hint of heat to your crab cakes.

With these serving suggestions, you can elevate your frozen crab cakes to a whole new level. The choice of a side salad or a creamy dipping sauce will depend on your personal preference and the occasion. So go ahead and experiment with different combinations to discover your favorite way to enjoy these delectable crab cakes in the air fryer!

Frequently Asked Questions For How To Cook Frozen Crab Cakes In Air Fryer

How Long Do You Cook Frozen Crab Cakes In An Air Fryer?

Cook frozen crab cakes in an air fryer for about 12-15 minutes, flipping halfway through. The exact cooking time may vary based on the size and thickness of the crab cakes. Be sure to check that they are cooked through and golden brown before serving.

What Temperature Should You Set The Air Fryer To Cook Frozen Crab Cakes?

Preheat the air fryer to 375 degrees fahrenheit before cooking frozen crab cakes. This temperature will help ensure that the crab cakes cook evenly and achieve a crispy exterior.

Can You Cook Frozen Crab Cakes In An Air Fryer Without Thawing First?

Yes, you can cook frozen crab cakes directly in the air fryer without thawing them first. This convenient method saves time and allows you to have a quick and delicious crab cake meal anytime. Just adjust the cooking time accordingly to ensure they are fully cooked.

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Cooking frozen crab cakes in an air fryer is a fast, convenient, and delicious way to enjoy this seafood delicacy. By following a few simple steps, you can achieve perfectly cooked crab cakes with a crispy exterior and a tender, flavorful interior.

The air fryer’s hot circulating air ensures even cooking and eliminates the need for excessive oil, resulting in a healthier dish without compromising on taste. From preheating the air fryer to adjusting the cooking time based on the thickness of your crab cakes, these tips will guarantee a satisfying meal every time.

Whether you’re a seafood lover or just looking to try something new, cooking frozen crab cakes in an air fryer is a game-changer. So, next time you find yourself craving this delicious treat, grab your air fryer and get ready to experience a hassle-free cooking method that brings out the best flavors in your crab cakes.


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