Air Fryer

How Long to Reheat Fish in Air Fryer

To reheat fish in an air fryer, cook it at 350°f for approximately 5-7 minutes. Reheating fish in an air fryer is a quick and efficient way to enjoy your leftovers, providing a crispy texture without drying out the fish.

It ensures that your fish is heated evenly and retains its original taste and texture. Whether you have grilled, baked, or fried fish, reheating it in an air fryer will give you a satisfying result. With just a few minutes of cooking time, you can have a deliciously hot and crispy fish ready to be enjoyed in no time.

How Long to Reheat Fish in Air Fryer


The Benefits Of Using An Air Fryer For Reheating Fish

Fish is a delicate and flavorful protein that can easily lose its appeal when reheated incorrectly. However, using an air fryer to reheat fish is a game-changer. Not only does it save time and effort, but it also offers numerous benefits that will make you reconsider your reheating methods.

In this section, we will explore the benefits of using an air fryer for reheating fish and why it is a great kitchen tool to have.

Retains Moisture And Prevents Fish From Drying Out:

  • The air fryer uses hot air circulation to evenly heat the fish, ensuring that it retains its moisture throughout the reheating process.
  • The enclosed cooking chamber prevents the fish from being exposed to direct heat, minimizing the risk of it drying out.
  • By retaining the moisture, the air fryer ensures that the reheated fish remains tender and succulent, just like it was freshly cooked.

Preserves The Crispy Texture Of The Exterior:

  • The air fryer’s ability to circulate hot air allows it to reheat the fish while keeping the exterior crispy.
  • The rapid circulation of hot air ensures that the fish’s coating or skin is evenly reheated, maintaining its crunchiness.
  • Whether it’s a crispy breaded fish or a seared fillet, the air fryer preserves the texture that makes the dish so enjoyable.

Reduces The Risk Of Overcooking Or Burning The Fish:

  • One of the biggest challenges when reheating fish is the risk of overcooking or burning it.
  • The air fryer’s temperature control and built-in timers make it easy to ensure that the fish is reheated to perfection without risking it becoming dry or burnt.
  • With precise control over the cooking time and temperature, you can confidently reheat your fish without the fear of it being overdone.

Using an air fryer to reheat fish offers several advantages, including moisture retention, preservation of crispy texture, and reduced risk of overcooking or burning. So, the next time you have leftover fish, give your air fryer a chance to work its magic and enjoy a delicious reheated meal without compromising on taste or quality.

Factors Affecting Reheating Time In An Air Fryer

Reheating fish in an air fryer is a convenient way to enjoy leftovers without compromising on taste and texture. However, the reheating time can vary depending on several factors. In this section, we will explore the key factors that affect the reheating time in an air fryer, including the size and thickness of the fish fillets, the starting temperature of the fish, and the air fryer temperature settings.

Size And Thickness Of The Fish Fillets

  • The size and thickness of the fish fillets play a crucial role in determining the reheating time in an air fryer.
  • Thicker fillets will generally require longer reheating times compared to thinner ones.
  • Larger fillets may also take more time to reheat evenly, especially if they are stacked on top of each other in the air fryer basket.

Starting Temperature Of The Fish

  • The starting temperature of the fish before reheating can impact the overall reheating time.
  • If the fish is refrigerated, it will take longer to heat through compared to fish that is at room temperature.
  • It is recommended to let the fish come to room temperature before reheating to ensure more even heating.

Air Fryer Temperature Settings

  • The temperature settings on your air fryer will also affect the reheating time of the fish.
  • Higher temperatures will generally result in faster reheating times.
  • However, it’s important to note that cooking fish at too high a temperature can cause it to dry out and become overcooked.
  • It is best to follow the manufacturer’s instructions or use a temperature around 350-400°f (175-200°c) for reheating fish in an air fryer.

By considering these factors – the size and thickness of the fish fillets, the starting temperature of the fish, and the air fryer temperature settings – you can determine the optimal reheating time and ensure your fish comes out perfectly heated and delicious.

Now, let’s delve deeper into each of these factors to help you achieve the best results when reheating fish in your air fryer.


Recommended Reheating Times For Different Types Of Fish


  • Thin fillets: 3-4 minutes
  • Thick fillets: 5-6 minutes


  • Thin fillets: 4-5 minutes
  • Thick fillets: 6-7 minutes


  • Thin fillets: 5-6 minutes
  • Thick fillets: 7-8 minutes

Reheating leftover fish can sometimes be a tricky task. You want to make sure it retains its moisture and flavor without becoming overcooked or dry. If you own an air fryer, it can be a convenient and efficient way to reheat fish.

However, it’s crucial to know the recommended reheating times for different types of fish to achieve the best results. Here’s a breakdown of the ideal reheating times for popular fish varieties:


  • For thin fillets, such as those found in cutlets or smaller portions, you’ll want to reheat them for approximately 3-4 minutes in your air fryer. This should be enough time to warm them through without drying them out.
  • If you have thicker salmon fillets, such as whole filets or large steaks, it’s best to increase the reheating time to around 5-6 minutes. This will ensure that the heat penetrates the thicker flesh, giving you a perfectly reheated piece of salmon.


  • When reheating thin cod fillets, give them about 4-5 minutes in the air fryer. This timeframe strikes the right balance between reheating the fish and maintaining its delicate texture.
  • For thicker cod fillets, like those commonly used in fish and chips, extending the reheating time to 6-7 minutes should be sufficient. This extra time allows the heat to penetrate the thicker fillets, ensuring they are piping hot and ready to devour.


  • Thin halibut fillets will take approximately 5-6 minutes to reheat in an air fryer. This should be enough time to warm them evenly while preserving their tenderness and moisture.
  • Thicker halibut fillets, on the other hand, require a bit longer in the air fryer. Aim for around 7-8 minutes of reheating time to ensure that the heat reaches the center of the fillets, leaving you with deliciously reheated halibut.

Remember, these recommended reheating times are guidelines, and the actual time may vary slightly depending on your specific air fryer model and the thickness of the fish fillets. As always, it’s essential to keep an eye on the fish while reheating to prevent it from becoming dry or overcooked.

By following these suggestions, you can enjoy reheated fish that tastes as good as freshly cooked.

Tips For Reheating Fish In An Air Fryer

Reheating fish in an air fryer is a quick and convenient way to bring back that crispy, flavorful goodness. But to get the best results, there are a few key tips to keep in mind. Whether you’re reheating leftovers or trying to revive a previous meal, these tips will ensure your fish comes out perfectly cooked and delicious.

Preheat The Air Fryer For Better Results

Preheating the air fryer is an important step before reheating fish. This allows the fryer to reach the desired temperature and ensures that your fish cooks evenly. To preheat the air fryer, simply set the temperature to the desired level and let it heat up for a few minutes.

This will make a significant difference in the final result, giving you a crispy exterior and a tender, flaky interior.

Brush The Fish With Oil Or Butter To Prevent Sticking

Fish can be delicate and prone to sticking, especially when reheating. To prevent this, brush the fish with a thin layer of oil or melted butter before placing it in the air fryer. This will create a barrier between the fish and the air fryer basket, making it easier to remove without any sticking.

Plus, it adds a touch of extra flavor and helps to keep the fish moist.

Place The Fish In A Single Layer For Even Reheating

To ensure that your fish reheats evenly, it’s important to place it in a single layer in the air fryer basket. This allows hot air to circulate around each piece, preventing any spots from becoming overcooked or undercooked. If you have a large amount of fish to reheat, you may need to do it in batches to maintain the single layer.

This extra effort will ensure that each bite of fish is consistently delicious.

Check The Internal Temperature To Ensure It Reaches 145°F

It’s crucial to check the internal temperature of the reheated fish to ensure it reaches a safe minimum of 145°f (63°c). This temperature kills any potential bacteria and ensures that the fish is fully cooked. Invest in a reliable meat thermometer to easily and accurately check the temperature.

Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the fish, avoiding any bones or skin. Once it reaches the recommended temperature, you can confidently enjoy your reheated fish without any worries.

Reheating fish in an air fryer can be a game-changer when it comes to reviving leftovers or reheating a previous meal. By following these tips, you’ll achieve perfectly crispy and flavorful fish every time. So go ahead, give it a try and savor the deliciousness of reheated fish without the hassle.

Common Mistakes When Reheating Fish In An Air Fryer

Reheating fish in an air fryer can be a quick and easy way to enjoy a tasty meal. However, there are some common mistakes that people often make when attempting to reheat fish in this appliance. By being aware of these mistakes, you can ensure that your fish is perfectly reheated every time.

Overheating And Drying Out The Fish:

  • Setting the air fryer temperature too high can lead to overheating and drying out the fish.
  • The recommended temperature for reheating fish in an air fryer is around 350°f to 375°f.
  • Avoid setting the temperature too high as it can cause the fish to become tough and lose its moisture.

Crowding The Air Fryer Basket, Causing Uneven Cooking:

  • Placing too many pieces of fish in the air fryer basket at once can result in uneven cooking.
  • To ensure that the fish reheats evenly, arrange the pieces in a single layer, leaving space between them.
  • If you have a large quantity of fish to reheat, it is better to do it in batches, giving each piece enough space to cook evenly.

Neglecting To Monitor The Fish During The Reheating Process:

  • It is important to monitor the fish during the reheating process to prevent overcooking or burning.
  • Set a timer and check on the fish periodically to ensure it is reheating properly.
  • Some air fryers may require flipping the fish halfway through to ensure even heating on both sides.

Remember, avoiding these common mistakes will help you achieve perfectly reheated fish in your air fryer. Enjoy your delicious meal without compromising on taste and texture.

Alternative Methods For Reheating Fish

Reheating fish can be a delicate process, as you don’t want to overcook it and end up with dry, rubbery fish. While the air fryer is a popular method for reheating fish, there are other options you can explore if you don’t have one or simply want to try something different.

Below, we’ll discuss three alternative methods for reheating fish: using the oven, stovetop, and microwave.

Oven: Temperature And Time Guidelines

  • Preheat your oven to 350°f (175°c).
  • Place the fish on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil or parchment paper to prevent sticking.
  • Bake the fish for 10-15 minutes, or until it reaches an internal temperature of 145°f (63°c).
  • Check the fish periodically to prevent it from drying out. If it starts to look dry, you can cover it loosely with foil to help retain moisture.

Stovetop: Methods For Reheating Fish On A Pan

  • Heat a non-stick skillet or frying pan over medium heat.
  • Add a small amount of oil or butter to the pan to prevent sticking.
  • Place the fish in the pan and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side, or until heated through.
  • Be careful not to overcook the fish, as it can easily become dry and lose its flavor. Keep a close eye on it as it reheats.

Microwave: Pros And Cons Of Using This Method


  • Quick and convenient method for reheating fish.
  • You can reheat small portions of fish without using a lot of energy.
  • Retains moisture and can maintain the texture of the fish.


  • Uneven heating can result in hot spots and overcooking in some areas.
  • Fish can become rubbery if reheated for too long or at too high a power level.
  • Flavors can become muted or altered due to the rapid cooking process.

Remember, whichever method you choose, it’s important to handle fish with care during the reheating process to maintain its delicate texture and flavors.

Proper Storage And Thawing Techniques For Reheating Fish

Storing fish in the refrigerator or freezer:

  • To maintain freshness and prevent spoilage, it’s crucial to store fish properly in the refrigerator or freezer. Follow these guidelines:
  • Keep the fish in an airtight container or wrap it tightly in plastic wrap to prevent exposure to air and moisture.
  • Place the fish on a plate or tray to catch any liquids that may leak.
  • Store the fish in the coldest part of the refrigerator, usually the back of the bottom shelf, and use it within two days.
  • If you’re planning to store the fish for an extended period, it’s best to freeze it.

Thawing fish safely before reheating:

  • Thawing fish correctly before reheating ensures that it retains its texture and flavor. Consider the following methods:
  • The safest way to thaw fish is by allowing it to defrost gradually in the refrigerator. Place the fish on a plate and leave it overnight or for a few hours until completely thawed.
  • If you’re short on time, you can use the defrost setting on your microwave. However, be cautious as this method can partially cook the fish, affecting its texture.
  • Do not thaw fish at room temperature, as this can promote bacterial growth and increase the risk of foodborne illness.

Importance of proper packaging for storage:

  • Proper packaging is essential when storing fish to maintain its quality. Here’s why:
  • Use airtight containers, vacuum-sealed bags, or heavy-duty aluminum foil to prevent air exposure and freezer burn.
  • Packaging fish tightly also helps to prevent cross-contamination with other foods in the refrigerator or freezer.
  • Label the containers or bags with the date of storage to ensure you use the oldest fish first and maintain freshness.

By following these guidelines for proper storage and thawing, you can ensure that reheated fish remains delicious and safe to eat.

Preparing Leftover Fish For Reheating In An Air Fryer

Preparing leftover fish for reheating in an air fryer can be a game-changer when it comes to enjoying a quick and tasty meal. Whether it’s crispy breaded fish fillets or a saucy fish dish, the air fryer can help you achieve that perfect reheated texture.

In this section, we’ll explore some key tips and techniques to ensure your reheated fish retains its flavor and crispiness.

Removing Any Sauces Or Toppings Before Reheating

When reheating fish in an air fryer, it’s important to remove any sauces or toppings that may have been added during its initial preparation. This will help the fish retain its texture and prevent it from becoming soggy or overly moist during the reheating process.

Simply scrape off any excess sauce or toppings before placing the fish in the air fryer.

Reheating Breaded Fish Fillets Without Losing Crispiness

If you have leftover breaded fish fillets, using the air fryer to reheat them can help restore their crispy texture. Here’s how to do it:

  • Preheat your air fryer to around 375°f (190°c) for optimal results.
  • Place the breaded fish fillets in a single layer in the air fryer basket, ensuring they are not overlapping.
  • Cook the fish for about 3-5 minutes, then flip them over and continue cooking for an additional 3-5 minutes, or until the fish is heated through and the breading is crispy.
  • Keep a close eye on the fish to prevent it from overcooking or burning. Cooking times may vary depending on the thickness of the fillets and the specific air fryer you are using.

Adding Seasoning Or Marinade For Extra Flavor

To elevate the flavor of your reheated fish, consider adding seasoning or marinade before placing it in the air fryer. Here are a few ideas:

  • Sprinkle your favorite seasoning blend over the fish, such as lemon pepper, cajun seasoning, or garlic powder for added flavor.
  • Marinate the fish in a mixture of lemon juice, herbs, and spices for a tangy and aromatic kick.
  • Brush the fish with a light coating of oil or butter to enhance its natural flavors and prevent it from drying out during the reheating process.

By following these tips and techniques, you’ll be able to enjoy perfectly reheated fish that is flavorful, crispy, and satisfying. The air fryer provides a convenient and efficient way to revive leftover fish, allowing you to enjoy a delicious meal without compromising on taste or texture.

So go ahead and give it a try – your taste buds will thank you!

Frequently Asked Questions Of How Long To Reheat Fish In Air Fryer

How Long Does It Take To Reheat Fish In An Air Fryer?

The time it takes to reheat fish in an air fryer can vary depending on the thickness of the fillets or the size of the fish. In general, it usually takes around 3-5 minutes at a temperature of 350°f (175°c) to reheat fish until it is warm and crispy.

Can You Reheat Fish In An Air Fryer Without Drying It Out?

Yes, you can reheat fish in an air fryer without drying it out. To prevent dryness, consider wrapping the fish in foil or using a mist of oil to keep it moist. This will help retain the moisture and prevent the fish from becoming dry during the reheating process.

What Is The Best Temperature To Reheat Fish In An Air Fryer?

The optimal temperature for reheating fish in an air fryer is usually around 350°f (175°c). This temperature allows the fish to heat up evenly and crisp up without becoming overcooked or dried out. Adjust the time and temperature based on the thickness and size of the fish for the best results.

How Do I Keep The Fish From Sticking To The Air Fryer Basket?

To prevent fish from sticking to the air fryer basket, you can lightly brush the basket with oil or cooking spray before placing the fish on it. Additionally, using a parchment paper or aluminum foil as a liner can also help prevent sticking and make cleanup easier.

How Can I Ensure My Reheated Fish Is Crispy?

To ensure that your reheated fish remains crispy, ensure that it is not overcooked during the reheating process. Cook the fish in the air fryer at a high temperature for a shorter period of time to achieve a crispy texture.

Monitor the fish closely and adjust the timing accordingly to prevent it from becoming too crispy or burnt.

How To Heat Up Steak In Air Fryer?


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To sum up, reheating fish in an air fryer is a quick and convenient way to enjoy your leftovers. By following the proper temperature and timing guidelines, you can ensure that your fish reheats evenly and maintains its crispy texture.

Remember to preheat the air fryer, arrange the fish in a single layer, and monitor the cooking time to prevent overcooking. The air fryer’s hot circulating air not only reheats the fish but also helps to remove excess moisture, resulting in a deliciously crispy and flavorful bite.

Whether you’re reheating breaded fish fillets or grilled salmon, the air fryer can be your go-to appliance for achieving that restaurant-quality taste and texture. So, next time you have leftover fish, don’t hesitate to use your air fryer for a quick and hassle-free reheating experience.

Enjoy your meal!


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